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HomeHome & GardenHow Do I Know If My Boiler Needs Repairing?

How Do I Know If My Boiler Needs Repairing?

An out-of-order boiler is not good news. It can be disastrous for a building on a cold day. With so much talk in the heating and plumbing industry about the importance of maintenance, you may be wondering how you can tell if your boiler needs repair: Here are some signs that your boiler needs repair, as well as some of The Hvac Service tips on how to get the ball rolling.

The Boiler Makes Strange Banging Noises

If you have not turned on your boiler in a while and noises are coming from the pipes, it could be because sediment or rust has built up, causing the water to flow slower than usual. If this is the case, do not worry about it. Let the hot water run for a while until it is clear again.

However, if you have been using your boiler regularly and still make strange noises, there could be other problems. It could be a leak or even a crack in one of the heat exchangers or a faulty pump somewhere in the system. Noises associated with hissing in a boiler are an indication that air needs to be vented by someone with experience in working with boilers.

The Boiler Makes A Whistling Noise

Is your boiler making a whistling noise? You are not alone in this. Boilers usually hum quietly in the background. So when a problem arises, it can be a little disconcerting. Fortunately, the most common causes of a whistling boiler are relatively easy to diagnose and fix. Check to see if there is air in your system, which may show up as bubbles forming in the faucet at the top of the expansion tank (in your attic) or by opening the valve on one of your radiators and checking to see if it hot water comes out before air escapes.

If air escapes before water, the air is trapped somewhere, and you need to “bleed” all the radiators in your home until only water comes out. If there is no water (or very little) leaking, there is no pressure in your system resulting from a leak or a faulty valve somewhere along the way through your home. To fix this problem, you will need to contact a plumber who can find out exactly where the problem is and fix it.

Leak At The Bottom Of The Radiator

There are several reasons why there might be a leak on the underside of your radiator. For instance, it may be a loose connection between the pipes and the radiator or a clogged pipe. If it’s steam, one of those issues could be the cause, but it could also be a faulty valve, radiator, or a problem with your boiler. It’s best to contact an expert who can help you find the exact cause of the leak and fix it efficiently so you do not have to worry about further damage to your home.

Indicator Light Turns Yellow Or Orange

Unless your pilot light is blue, your boiler is not burning the gas properly. It could be a blockage, or your pilot light needs a reset. Such a problem is dangerous and should be fixed by a professional as soon as possible. A professional plumber can easily adjust a pilot light, but if the gas pressure is too low or too high, you should have it fixed by them before it gets worse. Otherwise, it could further damage the boiler or cause leakages.

You Have Cold Spots On The Radiator

If your boiler is more than ten years old and showing signs of corrosion, it’s most likely time for a replacement. The telltale signs are cold spots on the radiator and a noticeable lack of heat in the home.

However, if you have adequately maintained it, you may need it flushed out. Over time, sludge can build up in boilers, especially if you don’t regularly keep them. Their pipes can clog, causing cold spots on the radiators. Flushing your system should fix this problem. If not, then you have a problem with your boiler.

You Constantly Fill Up Pressure At The Valve

The pressure gauge is located on the front of your boiler and acts as a thermometer for your system. The pressure should be between 1 and 1.5 bar, although most combination systems default to 1 bar. If you see the needle drop below this level, you will need to increase the pressure by turning the valve counterclockwise until it reaches a safe level. You will hear water adding to the system when this happens.

If you have to add water following a continual increase in pressure, there may be a problem with one or more radiators in your home. To check if this is the case, you should first remove the air from the radiators by bleeding them with a radiator wrench through the drain valves on the top. Additionally, it can help to increase the pressure if no leaks are detected.


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