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HomeHealth & FitnessBotox for Migraines: Is It Effective?

Botox for Migraines: Is It Effective?

More than one billion people suffer from migraines throughout the world. This debilitating condition is more than just a headache; it affects work, school, and personal relationships. While several treatments are available, there is one that’s starting to gain popularity.

Botox for migraines may sound obscure, but there’s actually some merit behind this claim. Find out how Botox works and why it is being viewed as the new treatment for migraines.

Can Botox Help Migraines?

Using Botox for migraines is not new; it was introduced as a potential treatment in 2000. People using Botox for cosmetic reasons began reporting an improvement in their migraines. Several studies followed to investigate these claims further.

Results conflicted from a majority of studies. However, one major study showed enough positive results to prompt the FDA to approve Botox as a treatment for chronic migraines. While Botox won’t eliminate migraines, it can reduce the number of days suffered and improve quality of life.

How Does Botox Work?

Botox works as a migraine treatment by hindering nerve function in the face. Botulinum neurotoxin is a protein that gets absorbed into the nerves. Once there, it modifies the release of neurotransmitters, which is a chemical that signals information to the brain cells.

This is a similar process to how paralysis happens during BoNT poisoning but is modified to be safe. For migraines, pain-producing neurotransmitter chemicals are hindered. This reduces the severity and frequency that you experience migraines.

However, it does not treat the underlying migraine condition. So you are not cured, and it does not stop them completely for the future.

Who Is a Candidate for Botox?

If you haven’t exhausted all other treatments, you should do this before turning to Botox. You are not typically a candidate if you have fewer than 14 migraines a month. There are times when Botox is used for non-FDA-approved “off-label” forms of chronic headache, such as tension headaches.

What Are the Risks?

There is a risk of muscle weakness or paralysis. While body-wide interactions are rare, people with muscle weakness should avoid this treatment. In addition, some people experience mild injection site irritation, eyelid drooping, or change in expression.

Moving injection sites can help reduce these side effects. However, the injection site can influence effectiveness.

Botox for Migraine Treatment

If you’re interested in Botox as a treatment for your migraines, it must be administered by a licensed medical provider. To maintain its effectiveness, you will need treatment every three months. You may also need to continue taking prescribed medications to achieve optimal results.

You can click for Botox to learn more about what it is like to receive Botox injections.

Try Botox for Migraines

If you suffer from migraines and all other treatments don’t seem to work, then it’s time to consider Botox for migraines. You may find that a combination treatment of prescription medication and Botox reduces the severity and frequency of your migraines.

Once you get your migraines under control, check out our lifestyle articles and start enjoying life again.


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