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HomeBusinessHow to Create Uniquely Printed Shipping Boxes for Electronics Products?

How to Create Uniquely Printed Shipping Boxes for Electronics Products?

We often relate custom printed shipping boxes with brown color units. But the electronics world has taken on a more colorful representation of brands. And there is good enough reason for this change.

Market research shows that colors inflate customers’ brand recognition by almost 90%. Human psychology strongly reacts to colors by forming certain sentiments with each shade. Understanding the underlying messages of colors can help electronics companies to build a robust brand image and boost sales.

The first step is to pick a suitable base color for the shipping boxes. This defines how the businesses can use the other custom box elements by using the base color to their advantage. This article would describe the difference between some primary box colors and how they function to improve brand awareness among target customers.

The problem with basic brown colored boxes

Brown is the natural color in which the box materials shape up. Box processing makes the wood pulp turn into a hazy brown shade that was a prominent shade among shipping boxes some years ago.

The reason why brands have opted for other color hues as the primary box shades is because the generic brown color has certain limitations. These include:

  • Placing the logo is mostly black ink.
  • Colors used for printing graphics are limited to saturated greens, purples, and deep blues.
  • No shade of orange or yellow can be used.
  • All boxes look similar and creating brand recognition is difficult.
  • Customers appreciate colorful displays of branding.
  • It’s hard to capture customers’ interests with a bland box.

When most branded shipping boxes look similar, how can customers pledge their loyalty to one of them? The electronics market is regularly crowded with upcoming brands. Generating a decent level of sales requires the boxes to be more than just storage units.

Slowly, the customer choices and branding necessity have imbibed more artistic boxes that present the brand image in certain shades. It helps the customers get a fair idea of what to expect from the brand in general.

What colors work best for shipping electronics?

Apart from the practical fact that the base box color goes with the brand logo, the colors ignite certain emotions regarding the brand. Every color has a specific character that companies can use to reflect their values and objectives.

 This means that there is no right or wrong color for the boxes. It all depends on the brand identity electronic brands want to project. However, certain colors go better than others with some electronic products. The right coloring would complement the brand story and make it more visible and believable.

We are going to explain how each color can be used for achieving the stated objectives. It is like a cheat sheet of sorts!

custom printed shipping boxes

So, dive right in….

Black and white: the classic colors are very much in fashion even today. These colors are often associated with a minimalistic business approach.

Apple uses a pale white color as the background of its boxes. The color has become synonymous with the business and exuding a premium brand image. White makes all content look prominent and gives freedom to pick any color for the brand logo and printed content.

Black too symbolizes superior brand values. It is a classic way to shine through the crowded electronic markets. The color depicts a serious business attitude and a no-nonsense production and customer service ethics.

Green: the color is mostly linked with eco-friendliness. Custom printed shipping boxes are appreciated by customers when they communicate a responsible brand image.

Electronic brands that want to ‘go-green’ use varied shades of green on their boxes to immediately foster favorable customer sentiments. Since the world is shifting towards more sustainable packaging habits, picking green can win over robust customer loyalty.

Red: the color conveys the brand as strong and energetic. Red is usually used to introduce new products and communicate improved brand values.

Red is also more attractive. It helps to divert focus on the brand and new product offers. Laminations and printing effects are more visible on this color which makes it viable for customers to retain the brand image once they see it printed on the red color boxes.

Blue: it ignites trust and reliability. Dark and lighter shades of blue are available to pick from. Brands that need to inflate their popularity often rely on this color more than others.

Customer demographic consisting of older customers and working professionals are strongly targeted using blue hues at the box base. Electronic items intended for these customers are more prone to stand out.

Yellow and orange: bright and positive; these feelings are commonly attached to these colors. Yellow generally evokes positive feelings.

The color is popular for engrossing younger audiences. Moreover, affordable electronics are also boxed in yellow-colored containers to convey the same.

Box printing with orange colors also ignites similar sentiments. Brands that offer youth-friendly products and want to communicate spontaneity, pick orange colors.

The list goes on. However, ultimately the color of choice must be consistent with the overall branding. Businesses can pick neat and top-tier colors for a premium brand image or go for quirky brand vibes with bold colors. The choice depends on the customer demographics, product nature, and personal preferences. The trick is to avoid colors that clash with the brand objectives.

How can you make a selection?

If you are just starting out and are feeling lost as to which color is best for your custom printed shipping boxes, professionals are here to rescue you!

All you need to do is define the following:

  • The brand motto
  • Customer group intended for sales
  • Product characteristics
  • Budget available
  • Projected brand identity

Providing these forms, the basis that helps to devise the right colors that uplift the brand repute and make a crucial first contact with customers.


Once you are done with defining the basic branding requirements, you are ready to go! Inflated brand recognition is now within your reach.


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