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HomeHealth & FitnessTreatments for men relationship issue

Treatments for men relationship issue

In the United States of America more than 18 – 25 million adult men have impotence problems. In fact, at least 50 percent of men over 50 years of age experience some function loss in their body. Although it’s a general condition for people, it’s not natural, no matter how old you are. Just 10 percent of people seek health care and many discontinue therapy once they start because they are too ashamed to speak to a doctor about their sexual health issues. There is no need to be quiet about physical and mental pain Male sexual dysfunction involves impotence (ED), libido loss (sexual desire), premature or advanced ejaculation, and difficulty in orgasm achievement. 

Causes Of impotence or ED

Impotence or erectile dysfunction (ED) happens when a man has difficulty having an erection, or holding it. Numerous causes of impotence exist including: 

  1. Psychological disorders, such as depression,stress, anxiety, and tension, sexual performance problems, or relationship issues.
  2. Conditions that affect blood circulation, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes problems.
  3. Neurological and neuromuscular health issues include multiple sclerosis, stroke, brain tumors, and trauma to the spinal cord.
  4. Medication with sexual side effects, such as Parkinsons disease medications, fatigue, high blood pressure, pain, and heart disease
  5. Pelvic surgery including colorectal tumors, lung cancer, breast cancer surgery, and spinal cord disorders.
  6. Lifestyle factors such as heavy drinking of alcohol, smoking cigarette habit, recreational substance use, and lack of exercise.
  7. Low testosterone level(low T) in the body or hormonal deficiency that can result from aging, testicular injury, cancer and kidney disease.


There are many treatments for impotence, such as:

  • Tablets
  • Injections,
  • Penile suppositories
  • Vacuum devices,
  • Surgery.

Erectile Dysfunction or impotence tablets: 

There are currently three tablets of sildenafil citrate, vardenafil, and tadalafil is impotence approved by the FDA. These medicines are available at online pharmacy store. These tablets are called phosphodiesterase inhibitors, meaning that they act by blocking chemicals that stop erections.

Sildenafil citrate : kamagra 100mg tablet is used for impotence treatment of men. Sildenafil citrate chemical component is part of a group of drugs called inhibitors of phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5). These medicines stop functioning too easily on an enzyme called type-5 phosphodiesterase. One region where this enzyme acts is the male reproductive organ. Sildenafil citrate operates by blocking a chemical that is called phosphodiesterase type-5 in your body from the action. It allows the blood vessels to expand (relax) and increases blood flow to the reproductive organ following sexual stimulation.

Tadalafil – is a drug used for treating impotence or ED problems. Tadalafil is the generic drug name and Tadalafil (branded name) is the active ingredient. The only difference between the two is the price, the more costly is the branded version of Tadalafil. 

Vardenafil: The generic form of Levitra tablet is vardenafil. Many men easily identify it as the potency drug which is responsible for the least adverse reactions. In about 15 minutes, the Vardenafil effect will occur, and it will last for more than 5 to 6 hours.

Vacuum pumps: A vacuum device is an external (not a drug) device that passes over the male reproductive organ. Once pumped, it pumps blood into the reproductive organ and then puts a special ring around the base of the reproductive organ to hold its erection. This method is non-medicine for boosting erection power during relationship hours.

Injections: Men may also directly inject the medications by inserting a tiny needle into their reproductive organ. There are some types of medications and medicines available including alprostadil, phentolamine, and papaverine to make a strong erection power during intercourse hour.

Men will usually get an erection within 5 to 10 minutes of this drug being administered. Its erection will last from 30 minutes to an hour. Injections require preparation and initially having the correct dosage to inject into the reproductive organ. 

Surgery: Penile implants surgery is little costly compared with other treatments.This method is the closest thing to a natural erection which men can do through therapy. Implants are obviously providing more than 95 percent satisfaction for overall satisfaction levels.


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