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5 Great Activities for College Students Who Want to Get Ahead

This article is for all the college students out there who want to get ahead. You know the drill: it’s not enough to just do a good job in your classes.

You must take on extracurricular activities too, but where do you start?

Keep reading for some great ideas of what you can do in college to get ahead and make connections with other like-minded people.

Learning New Skills and Exploring Interests

Taking on activities that allow you to develop new skills and explore your interests is a great way to get ahead.

While it’s easy to stick with the same old grind and take on activities that are already familiar, it’s more important to keep growing and learning throughout your time in college.

If you find that your college doesn’t offer a wide range of activities, you have a few options. You can either join clubs and organizations outside of your campus life, or you can look into transferring to another college.

This isn’t as difficult as you might think at first glance. Check out Texas Christian college transfer requirements at CampusReel to see what your options are.

Here are a few activities that you might want to join to enhance your college experience

Debate Club

Joining a debate club is a great idea because you’ll get to learn to argue and defend your beliefs.

This skill comes in handy when going into the working world, and debate club is a great way to prepare for the wider world of work and life in general.

Business Club/Lecture Series

It’s easy to get involved in your classes, so why not take a few steps outside of them?

Start by looking into the lecture series offered by the department you’re interested in. You can often get guest lecturers and even professors to come and talk about their experiences.

Model UN

When you’re in college, international relations are usually a hot topic – especially now that things are a little tenser with Russia than they were a few years back.

By joining Model UN, you’ll get to safely explore international politics and gain some solid skills for your career.

As a bonus, you’ll become very knowledgeable on the world’s major issues.

Political Debate

If you’re an introvert or a shy person, it’s easy to overlook what other people are thinking.

If you try debating with someone and they are taking the opposite side of the argument, you’ll find yourself contributing to a discussion that is not only constructive but interesting.

Joining clubs where you can talk about anything is great for everyone, especially introverts. It gives them a chance to take part in discussions without being the center of attention.

Animal Rights

Animal Rights is a great cause to get involved with because a lot of people don’t think about it.

Not only does the cause of animal rights activists push for animals to have their rights, but it also allows you to learn about some serious topics in the world and make an impact on them.

Exploring Your Passion with Events and Classes

Many college students struggle with finding their passion in college because they feel like they need to balance everything out.

If you find your passion for something -like basketball or archeology- while still trying to get ahead, that can be very difficult.


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