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HomeMarketingDigital Marketing: 6 Ways to Get More Leads

Digital Marketing: 6 Ways to Get More Leads

1. Add an email capture form (lead magnet) to your website

Your best opportunity for converting more website visitors into leads is by adding a lead generation form. Adding a lead capture form is a simple way to gather information about your visitors and targets your leads based on demographics, visitor actions and interests. Once you have the contact information from leads, you can follow up with them via email or phone calls directly from within your CRM system all while having their information in one place. Some popular lead magnets are free downloadable guides as well as eBooks, white papers and webinars. Try using different apps such as OptinMonster or LeadPages   to create the perfect landing page that captures leads’ emails quickly and easily. You can also use a WordPress plugin to create landing pages for your website.

2. Use multiple types of media

According to MarketingSherpa, videos are responsible for an average of 37% more leads than other forms of content.  Presenting information in different formats increases the likelihood that you’ll engage your target market, as well as provide access to more resources. Videos, infographics and webinars (online seminars) are all examples of alternative ways to share your message with customers or prospects online.

3. Create contests on social media websites

Contests are another way to attract new leads through social media sites like Facebook. Social Media Examiner says people who follow companies on Twitter receive an average of eight tweets per day from those businesses. This means it’s important to not only engage your current followers but also create new ones by conducting contests. Since social media sites are subject to the terms and conditions of each site, be sure to read them before using any forms of social media for marketing purposes.

4. Share content on LinkedIn groups

LinkedIn is a popular business-oriented website where potential leads congregate. By sharing relevant content in LinkedIn groups, you can expose your brand or industry expertise to a large group of professionals at once. Sharing links within relevant LinkedIn groups not only gives you visibility among targeted prospects, but also helps establish brand credibility automatically since people will see you as an industry expert simply because you shared relevant content with that group. Ninety percent (90%) of LinkedIn members visit the site to share and receive information, according to a LinkedIn study, which makes it a strong marketing tool for expanding your business’ online presence.

The best way to find groups on LinkedIn is through LinkedIn’s own search bar. Based on keywords you input, the system will return relevant groups that fit those words. For example, if you run a plumbing company in Los Angeles, typing “Los Angeles plumbers” into the search bar would bring up various groups where people discuss issues related to being a professional plumber in L.A., as well as give you the opportunity to join those specific conversations.

5. Use Facebook ads or promoted posts

Facebook advertising allows marketers to take advantage of targeted audiences by using keywords and interests to create ads. Marketers can set a budget and choose the location, gender and age range of people they want to see their posts. By using Facebook’s online ad-building tools, you can design your ideal audience and convert website visitors into new leads for your business.

6. Create a Twitter account specifically related to lead generation

Since Twitter allows users to follow accounts that they’re interested in, it makes it an excellent platform for reaching potential clients with promotional tweets about your company or industry. Since many Twitter profiles contain links to other social media platforms such as Tumblr or Instagram, you can also use this as another way to capture more information on prospects who are actively looking for new companies similar to yours on those sites too.

7. Use the power of personalization

According to an article on HubSpot, personalized content can increase lead generation by 80%. Personalization is crucial for establishing yourself as an expert in your industry and encouraging prospects to return. Sending welcome emails with customized links, videos or coupons makes it more likely that new subscribers will visit your site again (and possibly share your content on social media sites). Even if they don’t take advantage right away, they’ll still remember that you’re trying to engage them, which may get them back on the site at a later date.

8. Make press releases available online

Public relations (PR) have long been considered one of the best ways to gain visibility within your industry while simultaneously building brand credibility. This isn’t limited to offline channels such as newspapers and magazines; you can also use online PR techniques to reach a wider audience. By making press releases available on your website (and other online news sites), you’re giving journalists and bloggers easy access to information that they can use in their own stories. You may also get lucky and have your story picked up by larger websites, exposing your brand to even more people.

9. Engage in social media conversations

Social media is all about conversation, so be sure to join the discussion by answering questions and responding to comments. Not only does this help build relationships with potential customers, how to create a profile in Wikipedia but it also helps show that you’re an authority on the subject matter. Additionally, including images or videos with your responses will help attract attention to your posts.

10. Host a webinar

Webinars are a great way to provide valuable content to potential customers while also building trust and credibility for your business. They can also be used as a lead generation tool by including registration forms on the landing page that attendees are redirected to after registering. As an added bonus, you can repurpose the audio or video recording of the webinar into other marketing materials such as blog posts, e-books or even presentations.

Digital marketing is an essential part of any business’ overall marketing strategy. By using some or all of these tips, you’ll be able to increase leads from online channels, leading to more sales and growth for your company.


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