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HomeEducationList of 25+ Persuasive topics for essays -2022

List of 25+ Persuasive topics for essays -2022

Are you dealing with another essay? You might be wondering when it is going to stop, right? Well, unfortunately, never. Essay writing is something that is never going to stop so you better be ready for it. 

There are a number of essays that we have written to date. And we assure you that none of them was as difficult as constructing an argumentative essay aka Persuasive essay! The only thing that differentiate both terms is that in argumentative writing you take both sides into consideration. However, in persuasion, you just focus on what you believe is right and convince people. 

What is a Persuasive Essay?

It is one of those essays that are either based on logic, facts, and emotions. Or we can state it like this. You need to be logically correct in order to prove that whatever you wrote in your essay is legitimate. You might need a plethora of facts and figures to convince the reader that you are right. Plus, you also have to be reasonable. 

It doesn’t end here, to make it more understandable for you, below are the several forms of persuasive writing. 

Different forms of persuasive writing

  • Logos — Appeal to reason

As you can get an idea from the name. Logos came from Greek and it is used to describe logic or reasoning. In this type of persuasive essay, you need to give strong reasoning and have to use facts to convince your audience that you are logically correct. You can use graphs, charts, and numbers to prove your statement. Besides, states can make an argument stronger. This is one of the most common forms of convincing essay writing in Canada.

For instance, the yearly ratio of suicide attempts worldwide is around 700,000.

  • Ethos — Appeal to character 

Instead of making someone else the main character of your writing, you use yourself. In this type of persuasive essay, you can use your morality to connect with the reader. That is why it is referred to as an appeal to character. It’s totally up to the reader to believe you or not, all you can do is portray your best self. You can take celebrity-endorsed ads for example or a medical journal written by a doctor or surgeon. 

  • Pathos — Appeal to emotions 

However, it depends on your ability to convince people, but you can take help from your faith and imagination. We did not use the word “use” here, since it might hurt the sentimental approach of some people. You don’t use people’s faith to convince them, instead you take assistance. People tend to believe emotions rather than mind games. The most common example of pathos is a call for donation 

List of the topics

If you are looking for some trending topics for your persuasive essay then here’s the list of topics used by essay writers in Canada widely. You can use them to compose persuasive writing according to the level of your expertise  


  • Reasons why cats are better pet than cats 
  • Employees do not need so many days off
  • Evening institutions are better 
  • Countryside is better than a city 
  • No one should travel alone 
  • Kids don’t need a lot of homework 
  • There is no need to investigate black holes 


  • Poetry affect our morals 
  • Being selfish helps you a lot
  • The greatest blessing in life is love 
  • We are able to change the history 
  • Money can spoil you 
  • Dreams can be harmful 
  • Defeat isn’t the bad thing 
  • Parental control shouldn’t be necessary 
  • Everyone does not deserve to be forgiven 
  • There should not be the need of uniforms in schools \
  • Vulgarity ruins the moral 
  • Classical work is outdated 
  • Freedom of speech has become mainstream 
  • Tourism spoiled the nature 
  • Is there a need for nuclear weapons to prevent foreign attacks?
  • Goodness does not work every time 
  • Can art be a meditation for depressed people?
  • Not everyone deserve to know the truth 


  • Tutees should be allowed to pray according to their beliefs in schools
  • Children under the age of 10 shouldn’t be allowed to use social media
  • Everyone should become a vegetarian 
  • Why has being kind has become so hard?
  • Feminism is no longer about women’s’ struggle 
  • Racism and racial insult should be illegal 
  • Separate education system can be a good option 
  • You don’t always need to take revenge 
  • Freedom of religion or imposing your faith on others?
  • Life is was better back in the days
  • People shouldn’t abandoned their pets 
  • People shouldn’t be allowed to have pet just to abandoned them later 
  • Animal experiments should be banned 
  • Government officials should pay attention to the climate change 
  • We should talk to kids about drugs at young age 
  • Access to the internet should be free

How to construct a perfect Persuasive Essay?

Just like any other essay, producing a perfect persuasive essay needs practice, time, and effort. But there is nothing in this universe that you can’t do. You might have to give it several shorts. But we assure you that once you are done, it will be a masterpiece.

So, follow these steps we are about to mention and you are good to go! 


  • Issue

The first and foremost thing you need to do is to acknowledge the issue and choose your side to prove. You can’t advocate both arguments.

  • Audience 

The next thing you need to keep in focus is your reader. When you know your perspective of your readers, you can easily take should always know his audience!

  • Evidence 

Before you start writing, it’s better to collect all the evidence so that you can support your argument later in your essay.

  • Research 

If you think that one or two sources are enough for evidence collection then you are wrong. You need solid facts and figures for your essay. Hence, research and dive deep into the ocean of knowledge. 

Outline and structure

Moving on to the outline and structure of your persuasive essay. It consist on the following;

  • Introductory paragraph

When we talk about an introductory paragraph, we want you to create a hook that can grab the reader’s attention. Apart from that, write an overview and close it with a thesis statement. 

  • Body paragraph

There can be several body paragraphs and in each paragraph, you need to focus on the evidence. It would be better to provide enough supporting details in each paragraph. 

  • Oppose 

Prove that the key points of opposing views are wrong and not correct. 

  • Concluding paragraph 

Restate and strengthen your thesis and evidence that support your thesis.

  • Draft 

The next step is drafting your essay. Focus on each thing that’s been mentioned above and start drafting your essay. Many people don’t know how to construct a perfect paragraph. But we do. Therefore, it’s about time that you get to know about it also. 

You better check out each way to compose your argument. Plus, you can use analog, illustration, hypothesis, drawings etcetera. Start your paragraph with what, suppose, and if.

About concluding paragraphs, try to summarize the most essential parts of the essay such as reasoning and evidence. Then make it a little dramatic and ask readers to take action. Just remember that this is the ultimate solution for your google query such as how many pages is 1000 words.


Once you are done with drafting, it’s time to revise. In this phase you are going to review your writing thoroughly, modify it, and reorganize things. 


Time to give it a brief look so that you can pick out mistakes and remove them. It’s better to take some time off before you proofread or edit your essay. You need a fresh mind to do that. 


Now that everything is done, go and publish your work! You are good to go!

The right technique to make it worth reading

Everything you write with clear dedication deserves to be published. When you publish something, it’s already worth reading. You just need to take the following things into consideration.

  • Choose your words carefully because you are about to address a vast group of people. Plus, when you say something whether it’s good or bad, you can never take your words. What is said is said! So if you have already made someone upset with your words, its okay to say sorry.
  • Next secret is to ask questions! The Question is itself. Because it’s the best way to engage your readers. Well, first of all, they’ll try to find the answer and later on form the answer into their head. In both cases, they will be hooked.
  • A clear thesis statement is what every essay needs. And since everyone knows about it, we don’t find it important to discuss it again. 
  • You can write it the way you want but it’s better to interact with the readers directly. That’s the greatest way of communicating with anyone. Besides, you can convey your message more clearly with the readers by doing this. Making it sound like a conversation so that no one feels left out. 
  • If you are still wondering how you can get into the reader’s head then here is the answer. Repetition of your main arguments. Repeat them so that it sticks into your audience’s mind. 

Wrap Up

Initially we thought only to talk about basic topics that can create a good persuasive essay. But later on we realized, not everyone knows what persuasive actually is and hence we composed this huge piece of writing. We hope that each thing that has been discussed in this article will help you with your queries about persuasive essays and you can use this information to get good grades.


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